Hodgdon Yachts is honored to announce that the American Boat Builder & Repairers Association (ABBRA) presented the first ever Boat Builder of the Year to Hodgdon Yachts and the 2015 Boatyard of the Year Award to Hodgdon Yacht Services at their Annual Award Ceremony & Symposium in Portland, Maine.
The Boat Builder of the Year Award was created to recognize a boat building company that through its commitment to innovation, sound engineering, quality workmanship, teamwork, and professional project management has built a vessel that has been successfully launched and whose process and product has made a lasting contribution to the recreational marine industry. The award was presented to Hodgdon Yachts for the recent successful build of the 100-foot carbon fiber monohull Comanche and for being committed to innovation, quality workmanship, and professionalism that spans 200 years.
"Hodgdon Yachts is one of a handful of shipyards in the world capable of executing projects like Comanche and is a leader in this technology in the USA," said Pamela Lendzion, Executive Director of ABBRA. "ABBRA is proud to give Hodgdon Yachts Boat Builder of the Year Award for Comanche and their commitment to innovation, quality workmanship, and professionalism that spans two hundred years."
"Hodgdon Yachts has launched over 420 vessels - many of which have brought new challenges and required innovation," said Audrey Hodgdon, Hodgdon Yachts' sixth generation and Marketing Manager. "Comanche was an extremely unique build, but the commitment to keeping current with changing methods and materials, quality workmanship, and teamwork are all key components at Hodgdon Yachts."
The Boatyard of the Year Award is presented to a boatyard that "demonstrates excellence in all facets of their company through commitment to customer service, quality workmanship, best business practices, industry standards, professionalism, workforce development, and positive vendor relations." The award was presented to Hodgdon Yacht Services for the depth of knowledge and expertise that only comes from experience, taking pride in personalized service, and an understanding that the key to good customer service is respect.
"Hodgdon Yacht Services talented and dedicated team handles projects of varying degrees of complexity and all work is finalized to the highest standards," said Lendzion. "They are poised to attract clientele that demands quality service and refit work."
"Hodgdon Yacht Services was formally launched in 2014 with the merger of Hodgdon Yachts, Boothbay Region Boatyard, and Wotton's Wharf," said Sandy Spaulding, President of Hodgdon Yacht Services. "Since then we have worked tirelessly to integrate these locations in the Boothbay Region to provide the best possible service platform to boats ranging from 14 foot center consoles to 155 foot sailing ketches. We feel we have achieved our goal of being the leading yacht service and marina operations in mid-coast Maine in a very short amount of time. It is great to receive this award of recognition from this prestigious national organization."
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Hodgdon Yachts für die Auszeichnung als „Bootsbauer des Jahres“ und „Werft des Jahres“ von ABYC! Es ist beeindruckend zu sehen, wie sich das Unternehmen in der Bootsindustrie einen Namen gemacht hat. Die Handwerkskunst und die Liebe zum Detail, die in jedem Boot stecken, sind wirklich bemerkenswert. Solche Auszeichnungen zeigen nicht nur die Qualität der Arbeit, sondern auch das Engagement des Teams. Ich freue mich darauf, mehr über zukünftige Projekte und Entwicklungen zu erfahren. Wer sich intensiver mit den Hintergründen der Branche beschäftigen möchte, sollte unbedingt einen Blick auf die Profile auf linkedin.com werfen!